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This is a miniature brushed DC micrometal motor with a metal gearbox available in a range of gearing ratios depending on use.

All of the micro metal gearmotors have the same physical dimensions, so one version can be easily swapped for another if your design requirements change. they work perfectly with Pololu 42×19 wheels or track kits!

If you need a motor driver to go with them, check out our motor driver section.

Ratio Speed @ 6V Free-run current @ 6V Stall torque @ 6V Stall current @ 6V
50:1 420??10% rpm 40mA 0.9kg. cm 700mA
50:1 (Low Power) 250??10% rpm 40mA 0.5kg. cm 360mA
100:1 220??10% rpm 40mA 1.4kg. cm 700mA
100:1 (High Power) 320??10% rpm 80mA 2.2kg. cm 1600mA
298:1 75??10% rpm 40mA 3.3kg. cm 700mA

Additional information

Weight 0.2 kg

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