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This is a Pololu miniature high-power (HP), 6V brushed DC motor with a 297.92:1 (298:1) metal gearbox. It has a cross-section of 10??12 mm, and the D-shaped gearbox output shaft is 9mm long and 3mm in diameter.

We stock a range of these Pololu tiny brushed DC gearmotors, available in a range of gear ratios in either high-power (HP), medium-power (MP) or low-power (LP) with precious metal brushes. In general, these kinds of motors can run at voltages above and below their nominal voltages; lower voltages might not be practical, and higher voltages could start negatively affecting the life of the motor.

With the exception of the 1000:1 gear ratio versions (not currently stocked), all of the micro metal gearmotors have the same physical dimensions, so one version can be easily swapped for another if your design requirements change.

Please see the datasheet for more information, including detailed performance graphs for each micro metal gearmotor version available from Pololu.?

Note: Stalling or overloading gearmotors can greatly decrease their lifetimes and even result in immediate damage. The recommended upper limit for instantaneous torque is 2.5 kg-cm (35 oz-in) for 380:1 and 1000:1 gearboxes, and 2 kg-cm (25 oz-in) for all the other gear ratios; we strongly advise keeping applied loads well under this limit. Stalls can also result in rapid (potentially in the order of seconds) thermal damage to the motor windings and brushes, especially for the versions that use high-power (HP and HPCB) motors; a general recommendation for brushed DC motor operation is 25% or less of the stall current.

Key Specifications

  • Voltage: 6V
  • No-load performance: 100 RPM, 100mA
  • Stall extrapolation: 4.0 kg?cm (56 oz?in), 1.6 A

Full Specifications

Gear ratio 297.92:1
No-load speed @ 6V 100 rpm
No-load current @ 6V 0.10 A
Stall current @ 6V 1.6 A
Stall torque @ 6V 4.0 kg??cm
Max output power @ 6V 1.1 W
Extended motor shaft? N
Motor type 1.6A stall @ 6V (HP 6V)
Max efficiency @ 6V 31%
Speed at max efficiency 87 rpm
Torque at max efficiency 0.65 kg??cm
Current at max efficiency 0.31 A
Output power at max efficiency 0.58 W
Size 10 ?? 12 ?? 26 mm
Weight 9.5 g
Shaft diameter 3mm


  • Datasheet
  • Dimension diagram
  • 3D Model


In terms of size, these gearmotors are very similar to Sanyo??s popular 12 mm NA4S DC gearmotors, and gearmotors with this form factor are occasionally referred to as N20 motors.

Motor Accessories

  • Wheels and hubs – The micro metal gearmotor??s output shaft match our assortment of Pololu wheels. You can also use our Pololu universal mounting hubs to mount custom wheels and mechanisms to the micro metal gearmotor??s output shaft, and you can use our 12mm hex wheel adapter to use this motor with many common hobby RC wheels.
  • Mounting brackets – Our mounting bracket (also available in white) and extended mounting bracket are specifically designed to securely mount the gearmotor while enclosing the exposed gears. We recommend the extended mounting bracket for wheels with recessed hubs, such as the Pololu wheel 42??19mm.
  • Quadrature encoders – Pololu offer several quadrature encoders that work with our micro metal gearmotors.
  • Motor controllers and drivers: We have a number of motor controllers, motor drivers, and robot controllers that make it easy to drive these micro metal gearmotors. For the 6V micro metal gearmotors, consider the DRV8833 dual motor driver carrier?or DRV8835 shield for Arduino).
  • Current sensors: We have an assortment of Hall effect-based current sensors to choose from for those who need to monitor motor current:
  • Pololu also incorporate these motors into some of their products, including the Zumo robot

Additional information

Weight 0.2 kg

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